

Project title

Swarm Space Weather: Variability, Irregularities, and Predictive capabilities for the Dynamic ionosphere


Advance satellite technology, focusing in particular on the ESA Swarm mission in combination with other space assets related to the development of advanced dynamic models of the Earth's ionosphere.


2024 - 2026

Funded by


Project lead


The objective of this call is to advance satellite technology, focusing in particular on the ESA Swarm mission in combination with other space assets related to the development of advanced dynamic models of the Earth's ionosphere. This proposal addresses Theme 2 under ITT No. ESA AO/1-11878/23/I-EB: Dynamic Ionosphere: Irregularities, Dynamics and Predictive Capabilities of Space Weather. Within the proposed project, we will provide advanced models of the dynamic ionosphere that will address plasma irregularities, enable studies of turbulent structuring and ionospheric plasma dynamics, and also contribute to the development of predictions of space weather effects based on in-situ satellite data. We will use novel modeling approaches as well as approaches that have already proven successful in developing models based on in situ satellite measurements.

This proposal should be understood in the broader context of providing a framework that would encompass advanced dynamical models of the Earth's ionosphere, including the interactions of the ionosphere with the magnetosphere and the lower atmosphere. The work will take place within a larger science cluster (ESA Solid and Magnetic Earth Science Cluster) and it is envisaged that there will be active collaboration during the project with teams working on other topics within the given ITT.

With this call, ESA wishes to respond to these recommendations and promote a collaborative initiative, the 4D Ionosphere Initiative, which aims to advance the use of satellite technology, and in particular the ESA Swarm mission, in combination with additional space assets, to contribute to the development of advanced dynamic models of the Earth's ionosphere and its interactions with the magnetosphere, the lower atmosphere and the other components of the Earth system.

DLR-SO will participate in this process as sub-contractor under the lead of the University of Oslo.

DLR-SO will take over the following tasks:

• Contribution to the validation study concerning the results/products on ionospheric disturbances
• Contribution to the generation of a plan and a road map on next generation swarm-missions

In addition to DLR-SO, the following institutions are involved:

• University of Oslo, Norway (Prime)
• INGV, Italy
• University of Birmingham, UK
• KNMI, The Netherlands
• IAP, Czech Republic