Collaborative Research Center 1464 TerraQ


The Collaborative Research Center 1464 TerraQ (funded by DFG) aims to advance quantum-based measurement concepts for monitoring mass changes from space and on ground, combined with the corresponding data analysis and modelling. TerraQ aims for providing sophisticated tools that significantly enhance our knowledge on the involved change processes in the system Earth.


CRC TerraQ

The project Multi-Purpose Space Mission Simulator of the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) aims at developing a multi-purpose space mission simulator as the central modelling testbed for new satellite gravimetry concepts researched in this CRC. The simulator will generate realistic mock data both on system and sensor level by employing full-scale satellite models.

The department Relativistic Modelling focuses on a generic simulation ansatz for all types of prospective future gravity missions. An enhanced system and perturbation modelling approach to generate a full set of mock data including

  • science data,
  • house keeping,
  • Attitude and Orbit Control System (AOCS),
  • satellite states, and
  • navigation solution support

and a comparison to actual measurements will be employed. While a comparison between modelled and measured data serves as an evaluation of the involved methods, we will also resolve perturbation sources by analysis of the characteristics of the residuals and consequently mitigate their influence on science data evaluation.

As part of this project, the Relativistic Modelling department is focusing specifically on the advantages and disadvantages of a drag-free AOCS for future satellite geodesy missions. Furthermore, the aspects of satellite swarms and constellations are being investigated with the aim of improving data acquisition for satellite geodesy and thus also improving gravity field determination.

The project of the CRC TerraQ is done in cooperation with the Center of Applied Space Technology (ZARM) of the University of Bremen. This project is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (Project-ID 434617780 – SFB 1464)




Prof. Dr. Meike List

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute for Satellite Geodesy and Inertial Sensing
Relativistic Modelling
Am Fallturm 9, 28359 Bremen