Innovative Vacuum Technologies for Quantum Sensors



T. Leopold / DLR (alle Rechte vorbehalten)

The development of transportable quantum sensors requires a high degree of miniaturization and integration. The goal of the project InnoVaQ is the development of technologies for the miniaturization of ultra-high vacuum systems for quantum sensors based on alkaline earth atoms. These can be used in a wide range of applications, for example in atomic clocks, gravimeters and inertial sensors.

Quantum sensors based on alkaline earth atoms benefit from the atoms’ advantageous level structure in a variety of applications, for example in atomic clocks, gravimeters, magnetometers and inertial sensors. Compared to alkaline-based sensors, their technical realization is much more complex. Especially for the development of transportable quantum sensors suitable for everyday life, a high degree of miniaturization and integration of key components is required, which can’t be achieved with current existing technologies.

The goal of project InnoVaQ is the development of three technologies for the realization of a highly compact ultra-high vacuum setup for a quantum sensor based on strontium and ytterbium atoms.
Firstly, the additive manufacturing of titanium vacuum chambers is explored. This enables new geometries and integrated functional structures inside the chamber. For example, cooling channels can be integrated into the chamber wall or holding structures can be incorporated.
In order to hold this chamber on the ultra-high vacuum level, a miniaturized vacuum pump is developed. This pump is also intended to be used as a pressure sensor. The working principle is based on a magnet-free field-emitter approach, where the grinding of emitter tips is investigated from silicon as well as from sapphire.

Also a wafer-based atom source for metallic atoms is developed. By micro-structuring of glass-wafers, a microscopic heating plate is produced, which is thermally well shielded from the environment. This enables fast and efficient heating of the atoms which can be evaporated without heating the whole chamber to a high temperature.
These technologies will be combined in a demonstrator chamber with an inner volume of only a few cubic centimeters. In conjunction with a compact atom trap (grating MOT) developed by DLR, the functionality as a source of strontium and ytterbium atoms will be demonstrated.

Project participants

  • Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. Institut für Satellitengeodäsie und Inertialsensorik
  • LPKF Laser & Electronics AG
  • VACOM Vakuum Komponenten & Messtechnik GmbH
  • Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
  • Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • Fakultät für Maschinenbau - Institut für Mikroproduktionstechnik

Funded by




apl. Prof. Carsten Klempt

Commissary Head Optical Frequency Metrology
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute for Satellite Geodesy and Inertial Sensing
Optical Frequency Metrology
Callinstrasse 30b, 30167 Hannover