
The development of new sensors for future space missions requires diverse testing of the hardware. Additionally, simulation of the sensor’s behavior in the planned operation environment are necessary. In particular, based on this simulation ansatz knowledge is gained for quantum sensors performing as satellite payload as longtime experiences of operating quantum sensors in space are still missing. This is the starting point of VirtualEnv. The project aims at developing a virtual environment which is meant as framework for feasibility studies and shall support the design of quantum sensor prototypes in the DLR.

In the context of VirtualEnv, the software VENQS is developed. VENQS provides users with easy and fast access to a variety of tools for simulating quantum technologies on satellite missions. This includes amongst others orbit propagation tools and models for disturbance simulations due to the interaction of the satellite with the space environment. In addition, a sensor model is developed which will be used as reference model for future sensor developments. An example mission completes the model setup and allows for an easy start with the software. This predefined mission scenario includes analysis and visualization tools, too. Thus, the whole simulation chain can be followed – starting with the generation of mock data and finishing with the data analysis.

A graphical user interface simplifies the installation and management of the single modules. Finally, VENQS lowers the barrier for new contributors to create and share software tools by guiding them through the development process.




Prof. Dr. Meike List

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute for Satellite Geodesy and Inertial Sensing
Relativistic Modelling
Am Fallturm 9, 28359 Bremen