Grace-C Preview

Filmhaus Berlin /GFZ

A successor mission to GRACE-FO, named GRACE-Continuity - GRACE-C, is in development with a launch date of late 2028. It has the same objective as its predecessor missions GRACE and GRACE Follow-On in providing continuous monthly gravity fields of the entire globe. The launch date of GRACE-C aims to achieve overlap with GRACE-FO to have both missions provide data simultaneously for some period.

GRACE-C will preplace the heritage Microwave Instrument with the Laser Ranging Instrument (LRI) successfully tested on GRACE-FO, and will fly a new Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver. Both will provide data of a higher precision.

The GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences will again provide retro-reflectors for precise laser-based orbit determination.

The preparation, launch, in-orbit checkout phase, as well as significant German contributions to the LRI are funded by STI under contract with the DLR Space Agency. Operations for the mission are sub-contracted to the German Space Operations Center, with STI as its customer until the end of the in-orbit checkout phase, with GFZ the taking its place afterwards.