Situational Awareness and Cybersecurity

The Situational Awareness and Cybersecurity Group focuses on the development of software for the survey, analysis and communication of maritime situations. The Group’s work can be divided into four main areas:
Data fusion
The data collected by the technologies of the Sensors Group as well as the Methods and Processing Group are extremely heterogeneous. A very wide range of different data is gathered using the Group’s equipment in terms of sensors, specific methods and processing: consequently, partly pre-processed data from different sensors must be merged with data from other sources such as ship transponders, public networks or databases belonging to other Institutes, and converted into a consistent model.
Predictive Analytics
Resilience as a crucial factor for the lasting integrity of maritime infrastructures can only be guaranteed if a reliable risk assessment can be carried out. In collaboration with the Resilience Department , modern machine learning methods are trained in the analysis of maritime situations in order to recognise potentially critical scenarios in advance and allow local forces to initiate countermeasures at an early stage.
Support and advisory systems
In addition to the processing and analysis of data, the results must be communicated. Modern technologies for the preparation and presentation of the maritime situational picture are used and created in order to provide a direct overview of the otherwise unmanageable amount of raw data.
Situational awareness is only as useful as it is reliable. Consequently, not only does the Group apply up-to-date cybersecurity measures to the solutions that are implemented directly in the Group, but also produces and implements concepts for a cybersecurity situation overview for the entire Institute.
Ongoing projects:
- MARLIN: Maritime Awareness Realtime Instrumentation Network
- DLR cross-sectoral project: Cybersecurity