Team: Data Management

In the National Ground Segment department, the large and heterogenous geodata inventory coming from many different missions is handled by DLR’s "Data Information and Management System" DIMS. This distributed system (distributed both as to function and because two DFD locations are involved, Oberpfaffenhofen and Neustrelitz) offers important services and standardized, configurable interfaces for the administration of mission data. These include:

  • Access management
  • Order processing
  • Production management
  • Long-term archiving

At present (December 01, 2016), the data flows for about 35 production lines are being managed. They are designed to access a volume of mission data amounting to 1 petabyte, organized in 4,2 million products in the National Ground Segment alone.The experience gained through these activities flows into DFD's  annually organized conferences on storage and file sysems. Besides monitoring and maintaining existing production chains for the entire product life cycle (such as for the missions GRACE, TerraSAR-X and FireBIRD), including

  • Adding new data sets to DIMS,
  • Retrieving data sets from DIMS,
  • Generating value-added products,
  • Long-term archiving, and
  • Delivery,

new processing chains are designed, configured and put into operation (such as for the EnMAP, IMPC, GRACE-FO, missions/projects). A pre-operational centre for monitoring the state of the ionosphere is being established together with the Institute of Communcation and Navigation. 
