A Sparse Gaussian Approach to Region-Based 6DoF Object Tracking

We propose a novel, highly efficient sparse approach to region-based 6DoF object tracking that requires only a monocular RGB camera and the 3D object model. The key contribution of our work is a probabilistic model that considers image information sparsely along correspondence lines. For the implementation, we provide a highly efficient discrete scale-space formulation. In addition, we derive a novel mathematical proof that shows that our proposed likelihood function follows a Gaussian distribution. Based on this information, we develop robust approximations for the derivatives of the log-likelihood that are used in a regularized Newton optimization. In multiple experiments, we show that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art region-based methods in terms of tracking success while being about one order of magnitude faster. The source code of our tracker is publicly available.

Manuel Stoiber, Martin Pfanne, Klaus H. Strobl, Rudolph Triebel, and Alin Albu-Schäffer
Best Paper Award, ACCV 2020: papersupplementarycode

A Sparse Gaussian Approach to Region-Based 6DoF Object Tracking - ACCV 2020
A Sparse Gaussian Approach to Region-Based 6DoF Object Tracking - Real-World Experiments
A Sparse Gaussian Approach to Region-Based 6DoF Object Tracking - Approach and Evaluation