USA: Ivanpah, the largest solar thermal power plant in the world

USA: Ivanpah, the largest solar thermal power plant in the world
USA: Ivanpah, the largest solar thermal power plant in the world
Ivan­pah in the US state of Cal­i­for­nia is the largest so­lar ther­mal pow­er plant in the world. The radar satel­lite's 'slid­ing spot­light' mode en­ables imag­ing of an area of 11.7 by 10.5 kilo­me­tres at a res­o­lu­tion of 1.74 by 1.8 me­tres. The in­di­vid­u­al fa­cil­i­ties – Ivan­pah I, Ivan­pah II and Ivan­pah III – and the field con­tain­ing a to­tal of 173,500 he­liostats can be seen in this Ter­raSAR-X im­age. In 2021, the en­er­gy sup­plied by the plant amount­ed to 706 gi­gawatt hours. The pow­er plant has been in op­er­a­tion since 2013 and saves around 450,000 tonnes of car­bon diox­ide per year.