South Africa: Khi Solar One Power Station

South Africa: Khi Solar One Power Station
South Africa: Khi Solar One Power Station
The Khi So­lar One Pow­er Sta­tion is lo­cat­ed in Raaswa­ter, South Africa. The so­lar tow­er pow­er plant has been in op­er­a­tion since 2016 and has a nom­i­nal out­put of ap­prox­i­mate­ly 50 megawatts. In this Tan­DEM-X im­age, the cir­cle of so­lar mir­rors ap­pears strik­ing­ly ra­di­ant. The 2120 he­liostats are aligned with the Sun and re­flect the radar beams at an al­most iden­ti­cal an­gle, mak­ing them ap­pear very bright. Us­ing its 'star­ing spot­light' mode, the satel­lite ob­served an area of 3.9 by 4.8 kilo­me­tres with a res­o­lu­tion of 74 by 30 cen­time­tres (range di­rec­tion by az­imuth/flight di­rec­tion).