Nectaris Fossae and Protva Valles

Nectaris Fossae and Protva Valles
Nectaris Fossae and Protva Valles
This im­age shows the east­ern flank of the Co­prates Ridge in the Thau­ma­sia re­gion, an ex­ten­sive vol­canic plateau sev­er­al thou­sand me­tres thick. The plain in the left third of the pic­ture is ap­prox­i­mate­ly 2500 me­tres low­er than the ar­eas in the right third of the pic­ture. The rugged moun­tains on the right edge of the pic­ture are an ad­di­tion­al 2000 me­tres high­er. North is to the right of the im­age. Straight grabens, the Nec­taris Fos­sae, in­di­cate tec­ton­ic ex­ten­sion­al struc­tures, while the broad, wind­ing and of­ten al­ready heav­i­ly erod­ed val­ley cours­es of the Prot­va Valles tes­ti­fy to the for­mer pres­ence of flow­ing wa­ter. Pre­sum­ably, the land­scape has changed lit­tle over three and a half bil­lion years. The re­gion shown is ap­prox­i­mate­ly 330 by 100 kilo­me­tres and cov­ers an area as large as the Ger­man state of Baden-Würt­tem­berg.

ESA/DLR/FU Berlin – CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
