Geological features of Nectaris Fossae

Geological features of Nectaris Fossae
Geological features of Nectaris Fossae
This im­age shows the lo­ca­tions of some of the ge­o­log­i­cal struc­tures and land­forms de­scribed in the text. In the left half of the im­age, the broad and flat val­leys of Prot­va Valles ('broad­er val­leys') can be seen. At the top of the im­age is a deeply in­cised val­ley, prob­a­bly formed by a tec­ton­ic fault. In the grabens in the rect­an­gle in the cen­tre of the im­age, light-coloured dust and sand have been de­posit­ed ('frac­tures filled with light-toned dust'). The trans­verse rect­an­gle is char­ac­terised by in­ten­sive­ly erod­ed val­leys. Wrin­kle ridges are typ­i­cal of land­scapes where thin la­va is com­pressed to form long ridges dur­ing so­lid­i­fi­ca­tion.

ESA/DLR/FU Berlin – CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
