Mountain peaks in the Coprates mountain range

Mountain peaks in the Coprates mountain range
Mountain peaks in the Coprates mountain range
South of the Valles Mariner­is val­ley sys­tem, which runs from west to east, runs the par­al­lel chain of col­laps­ing calderas of the Co­prates Cate­na (be­yond the im­age). From there, sev­er­al hun­dred kilo­me­tres to the south, the Co­prates Ridge ex­tends, the high­est points of which can be seen in this per­spec­tive view. The moun­tain range sep­a­rates the vol­canic Thau­ma­sia Plateau in the west from the Noachis Ter­ra plain sev­er­al thou­sand me­tres be­low in the east. A sec­tion of Ibrag­i­mov Crater can be seen in the fore­ground.

ESA/DLR/FU Berlin – CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
