Anaglyph image of Nectaris Fossae

Anaglyph image of Nectaris Fossae
Anaglyph image of Nectaris Fossae
Anaglyph im­ages can be gen­er­at­ed from da­ta ac­quired by the nadir chan­nel of the DLR-op­er­at­ed HRSC cam­era sys­tem on ESA's Mars Ex­press space­craft, which is di­rect­ed per­pen­dic­u­lar­ly to the sur­face of Mars, and one of the four oblique stereo chan­nels. When used with red-blue or red-green glass­es, they al­low a three-di­men­sion­al view of the land­scape and give the view­er a spa­tial idea of the dif­fer­ences in al­ti­tude. In this way, many of the ge­o­log­i­cal struc­tures de­scribed can be bet­ter un­der­stood than in the ver­ti­cal plan view.

ESA/DLR/FU Berlin – CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
