Valley of the Kings and the city of Luxor

Valley of the Kings and the city of Luxor
Valley of the Kings and the city of Luxor
The im­age, ac­quired in high-res­o­lu­tion 'slid­ing spot­light' mode, shows the Val­ley of the Kings (at the top of the im­age) and the city of Lux­or (in the low­er part of the im­age). This Tan­DEM-X im­age from Jan­uary 2023 has an ex­tent of 10 kilo­me­tres by 12 kilo­me­tres (flight di­rec­tion by rang­ing di­rec­tion) and a res­o­lu­tion of 2.2 me­tres by 2.8 me­tres. The Nile stands out in deep dark­ness in the radar im­age be­cause its wa­ter sur­face acts as a mir­ror for radar sig­nals. Due to the side­ways-look­ing imag­ing ge­om­e­try, it re­flects the sig­nals away from the satel­lite. Rel­a­tive­ly smooth sur­faces such as fields or fal­low land are coloured green in this im­age, while un­even sur­faces such as ur­ban ar­eas are coloured pur­ple.