Schiaparelli Elevation

Schiaparelli Elevation
Schiaparelli is a large impact basin about 460 kilometres across, located in the eastern Terra Meridiani region on the planet's equator. The image shows just a small part of the crater's north-western rim cutting diagonally across the image and a smaller, 42 kilometre diameter, crater embedded in its rim. The image is centred on the equator of Mars, at a longitude of about 14°E. This image was created using a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) obtained from the DLR-operated High-Resolution Stereo Camera on ESA's Mars Express spacecraft. Elevation data from the DTM are colour-coded: purple indicates the lowest-lying regions, and grey the highest elevations. The scale is in metres.
Copyright note:
As a joint undertaking by DLR, ESA and FU Berlin, the Mars Express HRSC images are published under a Creative Commons licence since December 2014: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO. This licence will also apply to all HRSC images released to date.

ESA/DLR/FU Berlin, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO.
