Ground­break­ing cer­e­mo­ny of the DLR In­sti­tute of Test and Sim­u­la­tion for Gas Tur­bines

Ground­break­ing cer­e­mo­ny of the DLR In­sti­tute of Test and Sim­u­la­tion for Gas Tur­bines
A symbolic ceremony marked the start of construction work on the new institute building at DLR's Augsburg site (from left to right): Volker Ullrich, Member of the German Bundestag, Manfred Wolter, Head of the Department of Innovation, Research, Technology, Digitalisation of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy, Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla, Chair of the DLR Executive Board, Eva Weber, Mayor of Augsburg, and Stefan Reh, Director of the DLR Institute of Test and Simulation for Gas Turbines.