Milestone reached in the bed-rest study

The first major milestone reached: this week, the DLR-NASA 'Sensorimotor Countermeasures Study (SMC)' bed-rest study celebrated its halfway point! In addition to all the experiments, tests and examinations, there must of course be time for a little fun and interaction. The DLR bed-rest studies always like to celebrate the halfway point, or 'Bergfest', to recognise the great achievement that the test subjects and the entire team have already accomplished.
The test subjects were able to toast this special occasion with non-alcoholic sparkling wine, non-alcoholic beer (Kölsch, naturally, as we are in Cologne) or apple juice spritzer, and everyone enjoyed a fun evening in the :envihab lecture hall. Of course, the celebration only began after all the important tests and experiments of the day had been completed, along with the standardised evening meal.

Getting all the test subjects together in their beds in the lecture hall takes some preparation. First, all the chairs and tables had to be removed to make room. Then, all the participants were brought one by one into the lecture hall and placed so that they could see both the DLR show host for the evening, Nico, and each other. The main event was playing a quiz together with their own team, which involved general knowledge and activities in a lying-down position.

Based on the German TV show 'Schlag den Raab', three teams collected points by answering rounds of questions. The test subjects were put into teams according to their corridor on the ward, and each competed against the DLR team. There was much laughter when it came to guessing the weight of the bedpan. This essential aid for the bedridden was passed around and each team had to give their estimate – we should perhaps clarify that the bedpan was empty!

Other rounds of the game included feeling money to guess the amount, or playing the popular children's game Crocodile Dentist. In this challenge, the players had to take turns to press down on the teeth of a plastic crocodile, and when someone touched a sore tooth, the crocodile’s mouth snapped shut and the player was eliminated. In the end, team 'right-hand corridor' managed to secure victory, closely followed by their 'left-hand corridor' stablemates. Despite coming last, the DLR team were content with their bronze medal.

As with every competition, there was also a prize. The victors get to decide the activities for the upcoming Halloween evening, although of course all proposals must comply with the rules of the bed-rest study. We are all very excited to see what our winning participants come up with. To find out, stay tuned for the next blog episode.
Related links
- Blog post – After three weeks of bed rest: thumbs up for the nutrition team!
- Blog post – Taking a lie-down for science: New NASA bed-rest study begins in the :envihab at DLR
- Blog post – 400 kilometres apart and yet connected: My analogue mission with the crew on the ISS
- The aerospace medicine research facility :envihab
- DLR Institute of Aerospace Medicine